The information in wow which we get from other site, hope it can help you more or less, just take a few minibuses to have a look. In order to have more guild centered chats, votes, and so on, we would like to gather all World of Warcraft Tip Dynasty names. It would be very difficult for us to find each of your MT names in game wow. Because we can not always catch everyone online, so it is much easier for us if you simply post it below. If you are a MT Dynasty Member in any World of Warcraft server that we have a branch in, please reply below with your in game IGN.
The overall point of this is to change titles to MD Members or if you would prefer not to change into an MD Member in game World of Warcraft, please state that. By becoming an MD Member you can see the sub-forum in the World of Warcraft Tip Dynasty forum that can only be viewed by the MD Members. So please help us collect your names in order to take place in all guild discussions!
Many topics will soon be added to the MD Member sub-forum and it will help us strengthen the guild overall. Including the much awaited MD Member color change, which we will re-vote on once we get everyone, if not most peoples names. Be sure to specify if you would like to be an MD MEMBER or would just like to be able to see the SUB FORUM.
If you are not a member of MTD and would like to join the fun, please apply in the following sub forum: Application Sub Forum. Thank you! Change is coming to MTD, we are sure you will be happy with the results.