As we all know balder is a support class in SWG. The reason why most don not go for this skill is that it is centered on self, which means you have to stand next to the target, it also costs a lot of man and each hit is not that strong in damage. Our swg money service is online.
It is now just 8 seconds of you sitting there weakly hitting things in a close-centered circle for clarfy in SWG. So you could example run reasonably near to their melee frontline. Now for 8 seconds their melee guys are pretty much powerless, while your team wails on their thick skulls with minimal risk to themselves.
You can just as it runs out you follow up with mental pulse and put them out the game for a few more seconds, and then maybe for good measure throw another telekinetic pull on them and toss them back away from you. We have cheapest swg gold service.
You need to remember telekinetic pull first then will be you, mental pulse, telekinetic pull and racial skill then you need to run. And you are rendered their melee frontline useless for going on 20 seconds while your side has been bashing them on the head.
If you want pets summoned and wardens are the only way to go, both can do fine in pvp but they are not as efficient as a mage a warrior or in SWG. Especially for just starting the SWG, you can choose warden. It’s a good character to test with and even when you don not know what your doing your build will get you through. Other classes such as warriors or scouts if you mess up with the skills and rubies you would not do so hot later on.