
How to Train Your Skills on Gaia

Have you ever heard Gaia online gold? And have you cheap gaia gold before? If so, you must be a Gaia player! So, you may already have some skills when you start a new character. To take those to the next level, open your character sheet and go to the Skills section.
The skills that you do not already have in your character sheet will have to be bought from the market. They are sold by in game factions controlled by Non Player Characters, and also re-sold by players. Sometimes, skill books are loot drops on missions, too. Some race specific skills only get sold in the space of that particular faction, and when they are sold outside the area, they are often more expensive. When you need a Gallant skill, we suggest you to check how much it is being sold for in Gallant space. After you have bought a skill, it will show up in your hangar, where you can train it via the right-click command. You also can learn these skills by buying a book. In Gaia, some skills can not be trained on trial accounts. Those skills are marked in the Description tab of the info on the skill book. Even if you are logged off or if your account is inactive, continue training is a good idea to train short skills. Some of those advanced skills influence the same area as the basic version, others only a related area.
There is no skill point cap in Gaia. You can only train one character per account and one skill per character at the same time, but it is possible to train several ones, one after another.

