Rogues have to have burst since everyone has a million health and sustained does not quite cut it anymore unless you go mutilate with fast daggers and send expose up. It is such a band aid though. Casting which used to be a strategy and a part of this game has become a massive joke. Paladins and shamans which can be interrupted used to be solely based on the ability to cast long heal. This gave druids and priests an upper hand in arena. What rogues actually had survivability because they were not dotted by every class in the game.
Learn and develop strategies on how to deal with everything you come up against. It sometimes amazes me that people do not know simple aspects of the game. Here is literally how an arena. Of course, there really is not much that can impress most people in this game anymore people have earned 3000 arena ratings. 1 arena titles across 4 seasons of arena, world first raid boss kills on what was deemed mathematically impossible, players reaching the cod gold cap, and even more recently, some nerd earning over 10,000 achievement points.