
Clean Water

Oceans, lakes, rivers and streams cover about three fourths of the earth’s surface. Looking upon at the global map we can see almost everywhere are filled with water, but only about 2.5% of all the water on the earth’s surface is fresh and can be used for agriculture, manufacture and everyday life. Every living thing needs water. Humans can live longer without food than without water. Nevertheless, all over the world, we have made water be polluted and dirty. Although water is the most valuable resource we have, we are not doing good to keep water clean and usable and spend much Sword of the New World Vis. According to a survey that 14 billion pounds of garbage and poisonous chemicals are dumped into the world’s oceans every year. The plastic bags, garbage, and chemicals that dumped into water kill as many as one million sea creatures every year. Fortunately, many bodies of water are able to cleanse themselves over time. Turbulent Oceans and rivers that flow quickly can rid themselves of some of the pollution. But even for this, the water pollution is going more and more serious. So in the past years, some countries such as England, USA, and China have realized the importance of clean water and have made great efforts to take better care of their water source. Clean water should be a worldwide human right for everyone, not just a privilege for a select of people. To make clean water available for more people, we should take some effective measures. Maybe you will think that there is nothing you can do to improve our water as individual, but remember that every little bit helps. One person can make a difference.

