OZ World is a place to meet people, most of the people there are friendly, but when people come here to place comments to say oz is a good game and they are constantly improving game...
OZ World is a realistic life simulation game based on fishing. The game has a clever animation scheme based on anime type styles. The games focus is fishing so if that's not something you would be able to enjoy then I don't recommend this game.
You can do several things on OZ World ranging from fishing with your buddies, falling in love and getting married, buying and decorating various sized houses, or if you just want to get away from all the stress of life and be someone, OZ would be a great place for you to relax.
OZ is player oriented, on the website you can enter forums about how the game should be changed and what would make it better therefore the GM's are constantly improving to make it always a good place for newcomers because everyone will be learning these new things at the same time. Another reason for OZ World is run by players is Elves.
I’ve played this game for 3 years on and off and the reasons I go on this is because of all the good friends I’ve made there. Graphic will never be the most important thing for me as the fun time and being someone what oz gives you no matter what you do to level up.
I’m addict to it and I am glad because of that but some reviews made me little angry because people said that players from this game don’t have a real life... I have to say that you haven’t learned the true emotion from this game.
No matter what others say about it, I will love OZ World all the time.
OZ World is a realistic life simulation game based on fishing. The game has a clever animation scheme based on anime type styles. The games focus is fishing so if that's not something you would be able to enjoy then I don't recommend this game.
You can do several things on OZ World ranging from fishing with your buddies, falling in love and getting married, buying and decorating various sized houses, or if you just want to get away from all the stress of life and be someone, OZ would be a great place for you to relax.
OZ is player oriented, on the website you can enter forums about how the game should be changed and what would make it better therefore the GM's are constantly improving to make it always a good place for newcomers because everyone will be learning these new things at the same time. Another reason for OZ World is run by players is Elves.
I’ve played this game for 3 years on and off and the reasons I go on this is because of all the good friends I’ve made there. Graphic will never be the most important thing for me as the fun time and being someone what oz gives you no matter what you do to level up.
I’m addict to it and I am glad because of that but some reviews made me little angry because people said that players from this game don’t have a real life... I have to say that you haven’t learned the true emotion from this game.
No matter what others say about it, I will love OZ World all the time.