Second Life (SL) is a virtual world developed by linden lab that launched on June 23, 2003 and is accessible via the internet. A free client program called the Second Life Viewer enables its users, called residents, to interact with each other through avatars. Residents can explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and trade virtual property and services with one another, or travel throughout the world. Second Life is for people aged 18 and over.
Second Life is a huge virtual world that has gained mainstream recognition and success. Calling Second Life just a game is not very accurate because it serves not only as a place for people to meet but also a place for individuals and companies to conduct business. There is no story line or plot to follow and there is no level grinding like most MMORPGs. Instead, Second Life is open-ended. "Players" can make and sell their own creations, buy and sell real estate, hang out with friends, and numerous other activities. The only real exceptions are real world vices like pornography and gambling. Although Second Life offers many possibilities, this virtual world will probably not appeal to everybody because it caters more to businesses and people who can program their own creations than to average gamers or Internet users. However, it should be noted that SL can still be enjoyed by people who can not program or want to conduct business deals. Just experiencing what other people have created can also be fun.
Built into the software is a three-dimensional modeling tool based around simple geometric shapes that allows a resident to build virtual objects. This can be used in combination with the linden scripting language which can be used to add functionality to objects. The Second Life Terms of Service ensure that users retain copyright for any content they create, and the server and client provide simple digital rights management functions.
You can register for free and do not need to spend any money if you don't want to. Avatars can be fully customized. Spend some time with the controls and you can make an excellent-looking character. There are literally tens of thousands of quality items available for free all over SL.You can build and script anything you like if you have the patience for it. This could be hair, shoes, clothes, combat systems, games, furniture, houses, and so on. If people think your creations are good enough, they will pay you for them. There are people that earn their first income (anything up to $30,000 per year) in this way. The community is generally very friendly and mature and is comprised of the most massive cross section of people I have ever connected with online.
Second Life is a huge virtual world that has gained mainstream recognition and success. Calling Second Life just a game is not very accurate because it serves not only as a place for people to meet but also a place for individuals and companies to conduct business. There is no story line or plot to follow and there is no level grinding like most MMORPGs. Instead, Second Life is open-ended. "Players" can make and sell their own creations, buy and sell real estate, hang out with friends, and numerous other activities. The only real exceptions are real world vices like pornography and gambling. Although Second Life offers many possibilities, this virtual world will probably not appeal to everybody because it caters more to businesses and people who can program their own creations than to average gamers or Internet users. However, it should be noted that SL can still be enjoyed by people who can not program or want to conduct business deals. Just experiencing what other people have created can also be fun.
Built into the software is a three-dimensional modeling tool based around simple geometric shapes that allows a resident to build virtual objects. This can be used in combination with the linden scripting language which can be used to add functionality to objects. The Second Life Terms of Service ensure that users retain copyright for any content they create, and the server and client provide simple digital rights management functions.
You can register for free and do not need to spend any money if you don't want to. Avatars can be fully customized. Spend some time with the controls and you can make an excellent-looking character. There are literally tens of thousands of quality items available for free all over SL.You can build and script anything you like if you have the patience for it. This could be hair, shoes, clothes, combat systems, games, furniture, houses, and so on. If people think your creations are good enough, they will pay you for them. There are people that earn their first income (anything up to $30,000 per year) in this way. The community is generally very friendly and mature and is comprised of the most massive cross section of people I have ever connected with online.